Welcome to Heritage Baptist Church
Church is more than a structure, it is a place to learn and understand about God, His will and His way. Church is a place for people to get together and worship the God who created them. Heritage Baptist Church is such a place. It is a Place to Belong for family and friends and a place to exercise and grow in your faith.
Heritage Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church meaning it is an autonomous assembly. We are self-governing as well as self-supporting and self-propagating. We are independent for we are free of any denominational outside control of our church body. We are not a part of a denominational group or a convention. We do however co-operate with churches of like faith and practice. The Lord Jesus Christ is head of the church and the Bible is our sole authority for faith and practical living. Our desire is to truly be a New Testament church.
At Heritage Baptist Church we believe that God in His Word has given the answer to every problem, question and life situation you may face. We believe that as the Bible’s principles and truths are presented and honestly applied in the life they will help to change your personal and family life. The Bible gives practical guidance for living in our day and age. God’s Word is a solid rock of absolute in a day of changing uncertainty. Heritage Baptist Church wants to help you sort through your needs and to find reasonable, God-honouring solutions that will be satisfying both now and even more for eternity.
Heritage Baptist Church , like Canada , is a multi-cultural church with folks whose families originally came from many countries and have made Canada their home. We use the time-honoured King James Bible and sing the wonderful hymns of the faith. Come out and meet us and I’m sure you’ll find that we are a friendly church that cares. Heritage Baptist wants you to discover how we are a place to belong.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I get to HBC?
We are located at 2437 Dundas Street, just West of Guelph Line. Get detailed directions and a map to help you find us on our contact page.
Where can I park?
We have convenient parking near the building in our own parking area. Park and enter through the Fellowship Hall doors at the side for access to the Sanctuary.
What time are services?
There are two Worship Services, Sundays at 11AM and also at 6PM.
What happens when I arrive?
Our Ushers will welcome you, and present you with a weekly bulletin before leading you to your seat.
What are the services like?
Our worship service usually lasts till shortly after 12:00 p.m. It is thought provoking and challenging, filled with joy and praise. We sing traditional hymns of praise that encourage and strengthen and have a Bible-based practical message. Everyone is friendly and welcoming. A visitor generally fits right in after one visit to our services.
What children’s programs are available?
We have Sunday classes for children from 2 years old through adult and a children's church for children 2 through 9 years of age.
Do you have classes available?
There are adult and children Sunday school classes available, starting at 10:00AM till 10:45AM. Check with the Ushers for more information.
Pastor & Mrs David McQuiggan
Service Schedule
9:45am EST – Prayer
10am EST – Bible Classes for All Ages
11am EST – Morning Service
5:45pm EST – Prayer
6pm EST – Evening Service
7:30pm EST – Bible Study & Prayer